How it all started

"Pppssss.....", he rolled his eyes staring over at her. His hair was black and his eyes were dark brown, with stunning brows. His skin was tanned. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose.

Muscles rippled across every part of his arms and body. He was obviously amongst the cutest guys on campus.

" Damn it you're so hot baby girl ", he winked at her coming closer making her feel uncomfortable, internalizing her keenly.

His looks appalled her. It seemed, he was seeing through her body.

"Excuse me...", she raised a brow at him angry with his naughty behavior.

"I love that booty. Damn it... you so hot ", he spanked her irritating her badly.

"Your a pervert. Leave me alone the hell...", she screamed in annoyance swatting his hands.

"The more you resist, the more I desire you more", he winked at her licking his lips.

"Am Aiden buh given you the permission to call me dadzy", he licked his lower lip gesturing his hand over at her.

" The fuck this dude is irritating", She thought out loud.

"Are you not telling me your name....", he gave her that waiting look.

"I am not interested in knowing you...", she rolled her eyes staring at him disgustedly with so much fury in her eyes. If looks could kill... Aiden would be a dead man.

"Oouuch.... that hurts", he said walking faster blocking her way.

"Just get the hell out of my sight!!!" Carey yelled angrily.

"Okay, baby girl you will be mine....", he assured her raising her chin using his forefinger.

"Sorry for that, he's the so-called king of the campus", a young lady who was also a student at the campus confronted her.

" My bad his so irritating the hell. Am Carey", she grinned at the friendly lady.

"Am Cindy, you must be a newbie around here", Cindy raised a brow at her.

"Yeah, your right. It's my first day on campus", Carey said rolling her hair.

"I love your hair... which style is that....", Cindy was glancing at a guy who was approaching them.

" It's cornrows...", Carey informed her feeling nervous since the girl seemed to be so friendly for a stranger.

"Hey...!!!", the guy approached them hugging Cindy tightly.

" Mmmm..they must be a thing I guess", Carey thought to herself.

"Sorry... she is Carey", after the passionate hug. Cindy introduced Carey to the guy. His hair was bleached white, nose pierced, and had a tattoo on his left arm.

"He is my boyfriend... Arthur", Cindy grinned at Carey while introducing him to her.

"Pleasure meeting you", Arthur gestured his hand at her.

" Pleasure too", she hastily spoke holding his hands on her palm.

"Where you heading too.... have you found a room", Cindy questioned Carey while she was holding Arthur's hand.

"I am just searching for a room", Carey replied too quickly trying to be comfortable around them. They were a bit gothic and it made her uncomfortable.

"You can join me in my room. Am a second-year student btwn.... ", Cindy smiled at her giving her that look 'please don't say no'.

" Really... been stressed trying to find one for the past two hours", Carey sighed in relief.

"You game... guess right...", Cindy clapped her hands excitedly.

"Can you help us go for the luggage", Cindy asked her boyfriend playing with his hair.

" Do I have a choice", he surrendered taking her hand.

"Thanks", Carey thanked them relieved.

"Your staff are quite heavy what do you have there...", Arthur asked Carey while Cindy opened their room.

" Nothing much just clothes", Carey laughed cause he exaggerated it.

" Wooow it's pretty I love its decor", Carey was amused. The room had two beds, one study table, and two chairs.

"Thanks for the help", Carey thanked Arthur as he left the room.

" Let me see him off see you in a few", Cindy tapped her shoulder as she left the room.

"As much as she is gothic. The room is so bright and there no dark colors", Carey spoke to herself.

She immediately took her clothes and arranged them neatly in the wardrobe. She made her bed and started cleaning the room cause it was somehow dirty.

" I have found a room", she spoke to her big sister who kept calling checking on her.

"I am just worried about you. I am happy you have settled down. And be careful, I hope you have chosen a good roomie not a badass bitch", her sister cautioned her.

"Yes, sis no need to worry. Am quite well", Carey replied rolling her eyes.

"So.... what's your roomie like....", Her sister inquired.

"She's a nice person. She seems good and well mannered", Carey lied not wanting her sister to exaggerate anything especially the part that she has a boyfriend and seems gothic. No.... she disclosed all that.

"Talk later kinda busy arranging my staff", Carey informed her sister who immediately hanged up.

"Hope didn't stay out long", Cindy pointed out entering the room.

" Wow!!! you cleaned the room", she was amazed.

"Yeah", Carey smiled at her.

"I like you already", Cindy sat at her bed giving Carey the campus map.

"I hope this will help you around campus. Got it for you. Don want you to be loitering around like a lost sheep ", Cindy cracked up.

" Thank you appreciate it", Carey appreciated her taking the map.

"I hope she is good all the time. For a start, she has given me a warm welcome. I hope she's not a fake bitch trying to be good buh she's a devil. No... just be positive", Carey thought gazing at the wall.

"What you thinking of..?" Cindy raised a brow at her.

"Just campus cause not used to it at all", Carey signed.

"No need to panic. The campus is quite fun and free. It's not like high school. Just try to be a more confident and badass chick. I assure you, your life here will be smooth", Cindy advised her.

"Thanks for the advice. Will be a badass girl all the way", Carey said twirling her hair giggling.

"Which course are you pursuing.....", Cindy questioned Carey glancing at her clothes in the closet.

" pursuing medicine", Carey replied.

"Woow...!!!! you are a reading freak", she yelled cracking up.

" Am impressed wow.... you wanna be a doc", Cindy raised a brow at her.

"Yea that's been my dream since was a small kid", Carey answered.

"As for me am pursuing journalism. I wanna be a journalist", Cindy smiled taking off her cardigan.

"That's pretty well too ", Carey smiled at her.

" Yeah, I guess", Carey smiled laying on her bed.