She's bad news

"Your cousin is so persistent and irritating", Carey informed Cindy as she was wiping her face with a wet tissue.

"He is always that way", Cindy cracked up.

" Why you laughing", Carey raised a brow at her.

"Just remember the way you guys were when I entered the room. Like really... you have even started cuddling already", Cindy raised a brow at Carey.

"Hell no..... it was not that way. He was teasing me forcefully though was denying", Carey tapped her head.

" Be cautious of what you tell him or do around him", Cindy pointed her finger at Carey.

"Yeah, I will babe. See you in the evening going for my afternoon lecture", Carey took her bag leaving the room.

"My ooouu my..... that's your room babe", Sasha smirked at Carey as she was outside her room's entrance. This moment she was all unaccompanied. Her hair was cut off and grey in color.

" Yeap", Carey mumbled.

"Babe don't be scared of me won't bite you. I will bite you of course", Sasha gave her a bitchy look while licking her lips.

"Mmmh....", Carey was lost of words. She didn't know what to do or say.

"Can I came to see you tonight ", Sasha winked at her.

"Nope", Carey hastily declined.

" I don't take a no", Sasha lifted Carey's chin making her look directly on her face.

"Remember that babe", She left Carey standing on the terrace perplexed.

"I wish I didn't participate in that contest at the party. All this couldn't be happening. Cindy warned me about Sasha and I don't know what to do. How can I avoid her to stop pestering me ", Carey thought to herself.

"I have to rush to that lecture before I late", She spoke to herself as she went down the stairs.

"Gosh, this lecture room has many students. They are all staring at me the hell why did I have to arrive so late damn that Sasha", Carey thought to her self as she was searching for a seat.

" Psss....", a blonde guy who had a pierced nose called her. As she turned over there was a seat next to him.

"Thank you", She appreciated the guy.

"You welcomed Carey", He smirked at her.

"The course outline will be sent to your email. Can you all please introduce yourselves and the courses you are pursuing", the lecturer sat down as she finished.

" Go on....", She pointed at the girl who was sitting on the first row. She was dressed official.

"I am sure she is a nerd", the blonde guy whispered

"Especially her outfit it's hilarious", Carey chuckled as the girl continued talking.

"Am Blake", the blonde guy introduced himself.

" You have a pretty name", Carey whispered.

"Not as  much as you", he smirked at her.

"Oou George", Carey thought out loud as George introduced himself.

"Do you know him....", Blake raised a brow at her.

" Yeah, we met earlier", Carey answered him.

"Ssshhh", a lady at the front turned telling them to shut their mouths.

"Mmmh fine captain Miss", Blake mocked her.

"Your funny", Carey chuckled as they became more attentive in the lecture.

"Am Carey and a medical student specializing in surgical medicine", Carey introduced her self and some students were shocked.

" Your medical student...", Blake asked her when she finished introducing herself.

"Yeap", She nodded.

"That's good, you can now be my gyna", Blake winked at her.

" Your nuts", Carey fainly giggled.

"Hey Carey...", George called Carey as she was heading out after the lecture ended.

" You came.... ", he was amused to see her.

"Can't miss a lecture", She informed him.

"Definitely, you really love studying", He was amused by her determination.

" Hey...", Carey beamed at Cindy's friends.

"You're her didn't tell us", one of the girls asked Cindy after seeing Carey.

"Am Vera", the girl who was questioning Cindy introduced herself.

"Pleasure meeting you ", Carey smiled at the lady as she sat.

" You went for lectures today....", the other lady asked her.

"Yeap I did go", Carey informed her as she rested.

"I saw the way you walked so well in that contest at that party. Are you a model.....", the lady asked her.

"Am Fiona", She concluded.

"We normally work with them. Girls I asked you to came cause I want her to join us", Cindy notified them.

" That will be great the boss will be pleased to see her", Vera asserted.

"Has she told you the type of work we will be doing...", Vera raised a brow at her.

"Yeah, she told me ", Carey answers while preparing a cup of coffee.

" We are normally so busy on weekends. We will start this weekend and its the whole day", Vera informed Carey concerning the job.

"Thanks will really appreciate it getting a side hustle will really help", Carey was amazed.

"Yeah you can be free with us we are very close with Cindy. If you need something just tell us", Vera assured Carey.

" These girls are really good to be true I hope they are genuine", Carey thought to herself.

"I have a problem. Sasha saw me today when I was coming from the room. She told me that she will come tonight to see me. When I refused her to come she said that she will come if I like it or not", Carey informed the girls worried.

"What.....!!!! she said that", Cindy raised a question shocked.

" That girl is bad news we will stay and wait for her. She won't do anything to you calm down....", Vera assured Carey.

"She thinks she will do to you what she did to Moline. We won't allow that", Fiona declared angrily.

"Who is Moline and what did she do to her", Carey became nervous after hearing about Moline.

"This is what happened just keep it to yourself", Cindy told Carey as Fiona and Vera sat as they wanted to be attentive during the storytelling.

" When we joined campus last year as newbies. We all, three of us went to that newbie party. Harley won the contest last year. She is the ex-girlfriend of Aiden the campus bully. Moline was the second best after Harley. Sasha liked Moline and started pursuing her. She only hooks up with girls. She became friends with her and when Moline noticed that she wasn't straight she started avoiding her. Sasha noticed that and made a plot against Moline. She went over at Moline's room when her roomie wasn't around. She threatened Moline that if she didn't make out with her she would kill her. Sasha didn't go alone they were the three of them. Sasha threatened Moline if she didn't allow it she would kill her. Moline became scared and gave in to her request. The whole event was recorded and when Moline tried to cover her face. Sasha slapped her. Afterward, she started using that video to threaten Moline to do whatever she wanted. Moline became her personal puppet. Months passed and she became tired of Sasha's cruelty. Sasha threatened to expose the video on social media if she didn't cooperate.

After realizing that Moline had made her mind up. She released the video and her face was hidden. Only Moline's face was seen in the video. This was so embarrassing and Moline couldn't take it anymore. Guys made fun of her and it really hurt her. She really trended on this campus and even the other campuses around. She couldn't take it any longer. She tried to commit suicide. Luckily she didn't die. After recovering she transferred and went to another campus", Vera narrated Molline's sad story to Carey.

"What!!!!! that's so bad of her. How could she do that to someone", Carey was shocked after hearing the story.

" That's why I told you to stay away from her. If possible avoid her completely", Cindy cautioned Carey.

"What will I do?" Carey asked them nervously.

"We will stay here tonight when she cames. Don't panic we got you", Fiona encouraged Carey.

"Thanks ", She told Fiona.

" Let me go buy what will we eat tonight. What should we cook....?"Cindy asked them?

"Lets cook rice and beef stew.Take this", Vera gave Cindy money to buy the foodstuff they required to cook their meal.

" On it let me take her", Fiona followed Cindy.

"Which course are you pursuing...", Vera questioned Carey after the two went.

"Surgical medicine", Carey replied to her.

"Wow!!! you are a smart one", Vera was amused.

"Yeah, and you ", She asked her.

" Journalism", Vera beamed at Carey.

"That's good", Carey grinned at her.

"Yeah definitely Cindy is a nice person just be good to her", Vera told Carey.

"She is a God sent to me. I treasure her a lot", Carey smiled broadly.

"Let me get it", Carey stood after someone knocked on the door.

" Here I came babe", Sasha smirked at Carey after she opened the door.

"Why are you surprised seeing me. You thought I was joking that would come to see you", Sasha removed her tongue out sexually while winking at Carey.

"Carey who is that", Vera shouted after noticing that Carey stood for a while.

"You have company let me join you", Sasha pushed Carey as she entered the room.

"Sasha", Vera was pissed off to see her.

"Yeah, it's me", Sasha sat without even being invited.

"Carey come here", Sasha tapped the bed signaling Carey to go sit beside her.