Still upset

"My ex-boyfriend was Jack. He was my first boyfriend. We met through a mutual friend. Our relationship ended as soon as it started. We only dated for a very short time until the greatest foe on earth took him away", Carey signed vividly remembering how she was informed that he was gone forever.

" Huuh... as in, what do you mean by the greatest foe....", Louis raised a brow at her.

"I mean he died....", She answered trying to control her emotion. All the time she remembers Jack, Carey's eyes were brimming with tears.

"Sorry princess if I knew he died wouldn't have brought the question up", Louis apologized after noticing that Carey's eyes were wet as she blinked numerously in attempt to not break down in tears.

"No...  don't apologize you just wanted to know me more.....", Carey assured him with a slight faint grin.

"Relax my princess am now here....", He embraced her tightly as she cried in his arms.

" Ssshh... am here for you...princess", Louis encouraged her.

"It's so embarrassing seeing me crying cause of another dude", She couldn't believe that he didn't get mad.

"He's gone and I understand why your still not over that", He assured her.

"Let's go sleep....", Louis carried her bridal style.

" You really love carrying me", Carey raised a brow at him as she covered herself with the duvet.

"Yes... your my princess remember....", He winked at her.

" I do recall that thanks for everything", She grinned at him.

"My pleasure", He smirked at her.

"Waky... sleeping beauty", Louis pecked her on the lips making her open her eyes in the slumber mood.

"Aaaa.... what time is it.....", Carey lifted a brow.

" It's eight o'clock", He answered her.

"Wait... what....!!!!", Carey yelled in shock.

"Are you going somewhere....", He raised a brow at her.

" Yes to work....", She stood heading to the bathroom.

"That was fast.... did you do it well", Louis was amused with the way Carey showered quickly.

"Yea... I am super clean. Will come tonight too will that be fine mmmm...", Carey asked him as she was dressing up.

" Yea.... you're always welcomed here. Any day or anytime ", Louis assured her.

"Thank you, my prince....", Carey hugged him as she left the bedroom.

"I will drive you there...", Louis offered.

"Thanks that will be better won't late. Your such a darling oooh.....", Carey was delighted.

" Will you continue being a booth babe though you were hired as the brand ambassador of my bro's company", Louis questioned Carey as he buckled his seat belt.

"Yes... I think till when will start working on the weekends at your bro's company", Carey answered him.

"Wow....!! your so hardworking and determined", She knew she wanted to be wealthy and enjoy all the good things of life.

" I want a good life so I must do this Thanks buh... your more hardworking than I am", Carey refused his praises.

"Loving your more my princess".

"Carey... Carey...", Fiona waved at Carey when she spotted him standing with Louis beside his car.

" Let's go to them...", Fiona pushed Cindy who didn't want to go.

"Mmmh fine", Cindy accepted in defeat.

"Hey... girl", She embarrassed Carey excitedly.

"She is Fiona and Cindy. He is Louis..", Carey introduced them to Louis.

"It's my pleasure to meet you two. I have to go my princess what time will you be through, I come to pick you up", He glanced at Carey as he touched her hair.

"At five ", She answered him.

"Fine will come princess. Love you", He pecked her on the lips as her friends stared at them in shock.

"Pleasure meeting both of you. Goodbye", He waved at them as he entered his car.

"Is that the younger brother of Ryan...", Fiona questioned Carey.

"Yeah, it's him...", Carey nodded.

"Wow.. he is super hot. Are you now dating", Fiona asked Carey grinning anticipating for her answer.

" He asked me to be his girlfriend buh told him to give me time to think about it", Carey answered her.

"What....!!! are you for real. Think of what....", Fiona asked her furiously.

"I don wanna date him if ain't sure about it. He agreed to give me time to think about it", Carey sighed as she glanced at Cindy who was silent throughout.

"That's nice buh don't think forever he is so cool and a gentleman. Don't let such a hottie go...", Fiona advised her.

"I won't allow that to happen mum ", Carey nodded as she chuckled.

"Cindy say something your so silent", Fiona furrowed her brows at Cindy signaling her to speak.

" Mmmm....i have nothing to say", She informed her.

"Oou nice you two need to reconcile. I don' wanna see you this way its boring. Just makeup girls aaaagghh", Fiona urged them.

"Hey, long time no see girls", Vera approached them as joy rippled all over her. Happiness bloomed in her. The jovial and bubbly Vera was back.

"Woow... where were you....", Cindy questioned her.

"Umm... there was an emergency back home and I had to go for the week", Vera answered her.

"Oou I missed you so much", Cindy grinned at her.

"Why were you silent..", Fiona questioned her cause she has been avoiding them.

"Sorry for the cold feet. I was going through a lot", Vera apologized.

"We understand. What are friends for we are here for you? Don't be shutting us that way, it's not cool", Fiona cautioned her.

"I promise won't do that again", Vera grinned at her.

"What have you been up to girls...", Vera questioned them as they headed to their respective stalls.

" Uum nothing much...", Cindy replied.

"Oou that's great to hear", Vera answered her.

" It was a long day girls. Imma so tired I need to sleep asap", Fiona yawned.

"Mmh...yea I back you up", Cindy said as they packed up their products.

"Let's go Carey", Fiona signaled Carey, who stood near the parking lot.

"Aren't you coming with us...", Vera raised a brow at her.

"Umm... waiting for someone to pick me up", She shouted.

"Yea your prince I totally forgot about that", Fiona said as she walked towards Carey.

"No problem goodbye", Carey hugged Fiona then Vera.

"Mmmh...Goodbye Cindy...", She waved at her cause Cindy stood a bit far from them.

"Goodbye", Cindy mumbled.

"What was that about... Are you girls conflicted with another or....", Vera raised a brow at Cindy.

" Yeah, they aren't in good terms. That's cause of me", Fiona informed her.

"What happened....", Vera questioned her.

"I saw my ex-boyfriend yesterday. Carey suggested I forgive him if I truly love him. Cindy here refuted with her, one thing led to another and they started arguing insulting each other. Carey took her monkey bag and left", Fiona narrated what happened.

"That's so bad. You two better reconcile", Vera advised Cindy.

"Mmh... I will try", Cindy frowned at her.

"Yea and you missed yesterday. We went out for shopping. It was so awesome", Fiona updated Vera what she missed.

"You went shopping without me. Am so angry at both of you", Vera frowned.

"We thought you didn't want anything to do with us...", Fiona defended herself.

"Fine buh next time you should halla me", Vera cautioned her.

" Fine we will...", Fiona grinned at her.