
"What .....!!! are you two doing here", Carey chickened out upon seeing Sasha and one of her friends. Her presence sent shivers down her spine making her freak out.

"Am Zina babe .... wow!! your so pretty baby girl", The lady smirked at her.

"Am not in the mood right now for you two", Carey tried to close the door but Sasha held it.

"You won't get rid of us this time", Sasha stared at her intensively as if she was her prey and her the lioness. Her looks scared the shit out of Carey making her tremble in fear. She remembered the stories about how evil deeds and it made her feel worse. The time she feared the most was now here. Facing her fears and Sasha.

"Please don't do anything to me....", Carey pleaded with her at this moment she was hopeless. All the bitchy side of her humbled down not realizing that she was begging Sasha not to do to her, what she was planning to. At this moment all she could care for is how to get rid of the two daughters of the devil.

"Huh... you thought am not clever. Cindy isn't around to help you ...", She licks her lips seductively lifting Carey's chin using a fore fingers.

"How did you know that ....", Carey fumbled her hands nervously.

"Umm... been watching on you princess", Zina smirked at her confirming she was spying on her.

"Umm... I will scream you two are invading my privacy", Carey threatened them upon realising their motives. Was it the time for her to experience what Moline experienced with them.

"Scream... yell or do whatever you wanna do. No one will hear you anyway...", Sasha chuckled moving closer to where Carey was.

"What do you want!!!" Carey questioned Sasha moving further.

"Umm.... of course, you. I want that babe....", She smirked at her pointing at what she was referring to.

"The fuck, I am straight... I don't do girls. What part of that don't you understand", Carey yelled at her not realizing it.

"Shit...", she just awakened Sasha's inner demons.

"No one yells at me little lady....", Sasha slapped her hard making her scream in pain.

"Why are you doing this to me.....!!", Carey's eyes were brimming with tears. She sat and with a sense of loss to Sasha. Her powerful muscles wouldn't respond to how she was feeling deep down. Was it anger or frustrations. She couldn't imagine how her life would turn into if Sasha succeeded with her evil motives.

"Aaa.... someone help me...", Carey yelled crying.

"Stop this... I won't make things hard for you", Sasha yelled at her not caring what she felt. All she cared was having some good time with her. Since she was the prettiest girl around and that is what motivated her more to do what she was planning.

"Just do what she wants or do you want us to force you aaah....", Zina threatened her.

"No... I can't do it making out with you. HELL NO!!!! Never in this life or the other one", Carey hastily busted out not caring what Sasha would do.

"Zina came....", Sasha called as she moved closer to them.

"Please let me go.... you perverted woman", Carey yelled as Sasha was on top of her.

"I told you no one messes with me....", Sasha whispered as she moved her lips closer to Carey's.

"What?" She yelled in pain after Carey bit her lip. She just couldn't let her do what she wanted.

"What happened.....", Zina raised a brow at her.

"She just bit my lip you ass hole. You will get if from me", Anger covered her face as she started turning into a monster.

"You won't go away from me so easily", Sasha threatened her. A short intake of breath and she had to do something about it. She couldn't just let Sasha take advantage of her. She wasn't Moline and couldn't allow that happen. Carey knew she had to do something and yes it was attacking not caring what would happen next. If she didn't fight now definitely the bitch would do her thing and this is what scared her most.

All the pain, choking and sobbing, so powerful in it's intensity that it shook her body still. As she was speaking Carey jumped out of the bed quickly. Taking a knife and pointing it at them. She took a knife pointing it at them.

"Carey stop don't do it...", Carey pointed the knife at Sasha.

"Dare you two came closer to me. Will kill you all...", She threatened them.

"No it hasn't come to this please", Zina begged.

"You think you will take advantage of me like you two always do to other girls", Carey yelled.

"No....!!! you will regret this put the knife down....", Zina pleaded.

"No...!!! I won't don't follow me....", Carey gave them a warning look as she approached the door.

"What are you planning to do....", Sasha yelled at her.

"Nothing just came closer and you will find yourself in the graveyard", Carey threatened her. She banged the door locking them inside her room.

"Open this damn door....", Sasha banged the door trying to open it but Carey had already left.

"Hey, what a surprise...!!!", Fiona was amazed to see Carey that late.

"Umm... first...., please give me a glass of water", Carey requested her.

"Fine calm down...", Fiona urged her.

"Tell me what's up....", Fiona asked worriedly.

"It's Sasha she is in my room now. I locked her in there...", Carey said sipping the drink.

"Whaat....!! you're kidding me. What happened...?" Fiona raised a brow at her. Carey explained everything that Sasha and Zina were planning to do to her.

"Whaat... that's so annoying. Next time if Cindy isn't around just come over here", Fiona told her.

"Thank you I will. What do we do with them", Carey questioned her.

"Umm... I will call my friend. He will help us", Fiona assured Carey.

"Thank you for everything", Carey rested on the bed exhausted.

"He is coming over... tell him everything you told me",Fiona instructed her.

"Yeah I will, that Sasha must pay", Carey said fiercely like a dragon about to emit fire from its mouth.

"Relax don't be so worked up...", Fiona encouraged her tapping her shoulder.

The anger Carey felt no one would understand it at that time. Her fears, worries, and Sasha slapping her, trying to force herself on her. The experience was so traumatic but she managed to downplay her.

"Yes... I know exactly what to do to her. Will just inform my buddies and they will deal with her...", Fiona's friend assured her that they would deal with Sasha accordingly.

"Thank you so much....", She grinned at him.