Mixed up

"Hey... girl really missed you", Carey hugged Cindy as she entered her room. It had been a few days since they met. Now that she wasn't sharing a room with her. 

"Hey baby girl really missed you", Cindy grinned at her. She wasn't lying and since Carey moved in with her boyfriend after the Sasha issue. She's been feeling so sad. At least Fiona was around.

"I need to confide in you about something bothering me. So Aiden invited me over to his friend's party. He told me that I could go with Louis. That is what I did. He had a girl there called Juanita I think", Carey stopped talking. She was thinking of how she would explain the incident to her. Being in her situation was complicated since Aiden is so determined to make her his. 

"Then....", Cindy raised a brow at her in anticipation.