Fuck off

"Long time no see", Darwin says as he spots Carey. He immediately stands and embraces her tightly. He hasn't seen Louis yet so he thought that she had gone there alone. 

" Aaah yes long time no see", she fakes a grin. She tries to loosen his grip but he didn't let loose. She didn't want Louis to find them in this position. It would stir up unnecessary fights and drama.

"Aaaah why do you seem uneasy", he lifts a brow at her. 

"Aaah", she doesn't speak further. She had already saw Louis heading towards them. 

"Do you know each other", Louis interrupts them. 

" Yea we study on the same campus. He is Cindy's friend", She informs him before he could answer. She knew if she let Darwin answer the question. He would tell him a lot of irrelevant information. About how he was her boyfriend for the night at the freshas bash. That he really like her so much.