
She swallows nervously as she stared at him. He was always making her feel this way every time he was too close to her. She kept telling herself over and over that she couldn't be so in love with him since he wasn't the guy of her dreams. He didn't have the many good qualities that she desired in a guy. 

"Yes baby girl tell me... don't you miss me", he steps closer too close that she could feel his scent. 

"No...., I don't you wish. Get away from me. I didn't come here to flirt with you", she couldn't move since he was holding his hands on the wall as she was in between. She cursed inside not knowing what to do. 

"Just break up with him. I want you Carey", he whispers staring at her intensively. 

"No!! how many times will I tell you that. I can't be with a psycho like you", she informs him. As she tried to move away from him but he didn't let her.