
"I really miss Jack. I told my current boyfriend bout him. He solaced me at least am trying to move on", Carey informed Tessa. It was a sorrowful moment for her since she lost her first boyfriend, her first love, and the guy who first kissed her. 

"Same here. I really miss him. It's bad how he died at a very tender age. This world is unfair at times", Tessa sheds a tear. She was close to him and talking about him reminded her of how he died. 

"Yeah... I really loved him. It's almost a year since he passed on", Carey said wiping her tears up. She missed him so much. The way he would make her happy and try his best to brighten her life. Even though they didn't know each other for quite long. The short period they spent together was so amazing. She would never forget him in her entire life. 

"Come here...", Tessa opened her arms hugging Carey tightly as they consoled each other.

"We should watch a movie now. Enough with the sobbing", Tessa suggested.