Just days

"My princess... really missed you", Louis embraced Carey tightly. He was so happy that she was back. 

"Missed you more my prince...", She beamed at him.

"How is your family...", He raised a brow at her.

"Mmmh... they are quite well", She responded laying on the couch.

"Mmmmhh... you seem so tired babe", Louis started massaging her legs. He really knew how to pleas his princess and make her happy. She grins widely as he massaged her. 

"It was a two hour drive that's exhausting", She yawned.

"But you were just sitting while driving", he states as if driving wasn't work. 

"Driving ain't easy it's work and you know that", she was certain that he understood what she meant. He was pretending like he had never driven before.

"I know what you need to cool off", He smirked at her.

"Uumm... what is that ", She raised a brow at him. She had no idea what he was referring to.