
"Carey....!! I loved your advert for diamond perfume. You are a big shot now", a lady informed Carey while she was at the front of the lecture room. She turned back to glimpse at her. 

"Thank you... it's been aired already?" She didn't know. 

"Yes...!!!", the lady nodded.

"Oooh.... thank you", her lips broaden as the corners of her eyes wrinkled. 

"Blake....", Carey whispered when she spotted him.

"Here...", She patted the seat close to her. 

"Thank you....", He grins at her removing his notebook from his bag. 

"You look so elegant...", He could not take his eyes away from her for a couple of seconds. His mouth opened wide as he stared at her chest. She called him bringing him back to the real world.

He coughs grinning at her faintly. "Thanks your elegant as well", She informed him. 

"Aaaah well maybe I don't think so", he chuckles lightly.