I knew it was you

"Rise and shine little princess. Breakfast is ready", the guy who was watching Carey tapped her thigh in an attempt to wake her up. Her eyes snap open as she rubbed them. She stared around the room as her heart beat increased after realizing that she was still kidnapped and the guy watching over her was there beside her. She turned and stared at the guy yawning. 

"Am not hungry", She informed him as she pushed the meal. 

"Why .... but you ate yesterday....", the guy raised a brow at her as he stared at her intensively with a frown on his face. 

"Just set me free that is all I want. Not breakfast which might even kill me", She yelled at him as she shakes her arms and legs. After being tied for all that time, her legs and arms were tired and she was beginning to feel pain.