This is how it went

"Aaaah.... princess are you fine", Louis questioned her as he entered the ward Carey was in. She wasn't happy that the time she needed him most, he didn't help her as he ought to. Even though she knew it was just a mistake and it wasn't his intention to not help her out when she needed him most. She knew that Aiden was always on her side even though she hadn't accepted him yet. 

"Am fine....", Carey spoke in a slurred voice. She was feeling dizzy after the operation. She tried to open her eyes wider to glance at him. 

"Sorry... I was asleep and left my phone in the living room", he apologized for not picking her call. Carey thought that it was the lamest excuse he could give her. Since she wasn't feeling well and wasn't in the mood of arguing. She decided to let it be and concentrate on her recovery.