
Since Carey and Louis were staying together they got to know each other better. Carey opened up to him about how her father died in a tragic road accident when she was barely three months old. She didn't know her father cause she couldn't remember any memories of him. She was just a toddler when he died. He was a surgeon and that's how her interest to be a surgeon came about. She explained her life growing up how her mother was so strict. 

She was the kid that always stayed in the house if not at her best friend's place, she was at school. Later she explained how her mum become pregnant and gave birth to their brother. She told him how she's so disappointed in her mum for snatching someone else's husband. Louis listened to her all the time as she was speaking. He wanted to understand her world, her strengths, her weakness, her happiest moments, her saddest moments, and most importantly, her family.