Making up that ended freaky

"You so pretty baby doll", He winked at her unbuckling his seat belt.

"Mmmhh...", Carey mumbled wanting to highlight the car. He held hands tightly preventing her from going. 

"Wait.... we will go together", Aiden points out. He didn't want to leave his side at all. 

"No.....!!", She refuted. She didn't want Louis to see them heading to the apartment together. 

"Then I will carry you, do want that huuuh....", He winked at her.

"I will go to the police to report you. I must have a restraining order for you", Carey said as they were in the elevator.

"Hehehe that's hilarious. You can never get a restraining order for me", He said evilly lifting her chin upward.

"Just dare me and you will see....", Carey said as they reached their floor.

"No... goodbye kiss babe.....", Aiden went near her wanting to embrace her then smooch her on the lips.