Mission abolished

Finally the day of the contest was finally here. Carey was anxious, excited, scared and paranoid. She had mixed feellings. What if she didn't win the contest what would be of her. What if she won will she win Miss University. Carey had hope that her God would be with her. All the things she has been through the past month made her stronger and courageous.

Aiden on the hand bought the clothes that Carey told him. Since they were a pair their collection of clothes were to be similar. Cause of his undying love for her. He made sure that he spent most of the time with Carey.

"Wow.... your so pretty am sure Aiden will be excited to see you", Fiona told Carey as she finalised her make up.

"Aaah...!!! point of correction. It's Louis who will be excited remember he's here and he is my boyfriend", Carey corrected her. She didn't want to think of that anymore.