Awful breakup (part two)

"What do you mean by that", Carey raised a question. 

"It means you won't be his", Louis articulated his words making himself clear. He couldn't imagine living without her. 

"Fine am so tired", Carey headed to the bedroom to sleep. She was too tired to argue with him since she knew that he couldn't allow her to leave, she decided to sleep there. 

"I missed you...", Louis undressed heading to the bed. Carey ignored him closing her eyes.

"I told you missed you", Louis said harshly grabbing her tightly.

"Please am not in the mood for that", she hastily yelled at him. 

"Aaah... so you don't even want me to smash you huuuh!!" Louis questioned her licking his lips. 

"Yeah... we are no longer girlfriend and boyfriend. Why do that", She wasn't planning to give him what he wanted. 

"If you think will let you go. Just like that. You're so mistaken. You don't know me well Carey", he assured her.