Its me yeah (Part one)

Moments later after they discussed the contest. They headed towards the car. They picked up Nelly who they helped to carry their costumes. "Wow am so excited this will be my first time to attend the inter- Uni contest", Fiona felt a sudden flare of joy. She could barely conceal her delightment. She was flabbergasted with joy since it was her first time attending the inter-university contest. 

"You aren't in the contest why are you excited in the first place", Cindy questioned her. She couldn't understand why she was delighted to attend the contest. To her she thought that Carey was the one who was supposed to be happy and anxious about the contest and not her. 

"Are you mocking me or what....", Fiona's forehead crumpled like an old receipt that had been thrown in a trash bin. 

"Your so pretty when you frown", Nelly commented glimpsing at Fiona as a grin appeared on his face.