This is why

"Long time huh....!! hey, Vera", Carey greeted Vera. Vera just disappeared, they didn't see her on campus for a while. She neither came to work like how she used to go on all weekends. They knew that she was handling a tough situation even though she didn't communicate, what was happening in her life. 

"Aaah.... hey....", Vera's lips curved up slightly as she stared at Carey who was heading towards her.

"Congrats, I heard your the new Miss University I mean that's so incredible", Vera mentioned as her eyes brightened up. 

"I thought she didn't like me. What happened", Carey thought not understanding Vera at all. At first, when they met, Carey noticed that Vera didn't like her cause of the way she behaved when Carey used to approach her. She didn't consider her as her close friend like Fiona and Cindy, who were genuine friends. 

"What happened.... you've not been around for so long.....", Carey raised the question the obvious question.