I can buy

"Hey ....", Daylan greeted her as she was walking on the corridor.

"Aaah.... hi", the corners of her lips curved up slightly. She had a faint grin on her face. He was among the guys who were crushing on her. She hoped that he wouldn't tell her about them being a couple. All she wanted was to stick by Aiden's side alone. No other guy but him. 

"What if we meet after your done. I miss you...", He just admitted that he missed her. She wasn't surprised that he was missing her. Back then he admitted to her how, that he liked her so much. Not as a friend but as a lover. 

"Aaaah... won't make it am so tired and my lectures end in the evening", Carey wasn't in the mood to entertain another guy. 

"What if we do another time. When will you be available....?" Daylan raised a brow at her. He wasn't going to just let her be. He wanted to meet her again not at the campus corridor. But somewhere they could relax and talk.