He loves you

"How are you.....", Cindy questioned Carey as she sat beside her. 

"Fine, I'm so good what of you?" Carey asked her. 

"Aaah..... fine", Cindy mentioned. 

"Where is Fiona....", Carey raised a brow at her. She was missing her drama, if Fiona was around. She would yell welcoming her like she was the beauty queen of the whole world. 

"They are in the ladies", Cindy answered her.

"Oooh..... fine. How is Arthur. You and your relationship", Carey asked her.

"We are doing well can't complain. What of you and my stubborn cousin", Cindy raised a brow at her. 

"Uuuum.... we are pretty well. Yesterday went to his parents' house", Carey decided to inform her.