Reunion with bestie

The sunrise hit Carey's head as Janice opened her curtain. She tried to open her eyes lids, as her eyes tried to adjust to the light. "It's time to get the fuck up...", Janice shook her wanting to irritate her. 

"Aaaah.... but it's just nine o'clock", Carey's words were slurred. She rubbed her eyes trying to adjust to the light. She never wanted to wake up. 

"Blablabla..... your friend is in the living room waiting for you", Janice informed her.

"What...!!! she is here already... Tell her am coming let me wash my face and go freshen up", Carey said wearing her sandals. She didn't expect that Tessa would visit her so early in the morning. 

"Fine... baby girl", Janice said mocking the way Aiden calls her. She wanted to see her reaction. She recalled that Aiden was the one who loved calling her that way. 

"Haha... baby girl why did you call me that", Carey chuckled as her sister made her recall Aiden.