We are here

As she was sitting on the couch thinking about her mother's wedding, a slight grin appeared on her face. Even though she wasn't happy that her mother broke another family to make her whole. She just had to be happy for her since her mother suffered a lot when their father died. She remembered how she was astonished when her mother first brought Mason's dad to her house. Carey and her sister weren't happy at first. They weren't happy that her mother brought another man to their home. But with time they had to accept him since their mother didn't listen to them. She informed them that Mason's dad made her happy and nothing would ever separate them other than death. 

"My queen what's bothering you", Aiden raised a question. He noticed the way she was staring at the ceiling thinking. He knew that she was thinking about something crucial. 

"Just thinking of my mom's wedding and how I first didn't like him", she mentioned as her eyes were locked with his.