
She was delighted that he changed just for her. He stopped being a bad boy like before to make her happy. Since he loved her so much and treasured her alot, he decided to be a better guy for her. 

"Let me go for a drink", he told her. He stood and headed to the counter. As Aiden was at the counter, a guy approached Carey. He sat at the same chair that Aiden was sitting on. 

"Hey Carey", he winked at her as he licked his lips. She stared at him wondering what she would tell him. She decided to keep quiet and ignore him. 

"Hi beautiful", he wasn't going to give up on her. He decided to greet her again and see if she was going to respond this time around. 

"Yes hi...", She didn't like the way he was staring at her and licking his lips. She just knew he didn't have good intentions.