
They headed to their friends' ward. Fiona's parents had already arrived. Carey and Aiden greeted them as they sat outside the ward. Fiona's mum informed them that the doctor was inside since they wanted to enter. Carey sighed as she placed her head on Aiden's shoulder. She was overwhelmed with sadness cause of her friends' condition. She didn't want to lose them. She loved them so much like they were her big sisters. They treated her so well, she was who she was cause of them. They encouraged her to be better in what she does. She prayed that God will have mercy on them especially Cindy who was in critical condition. As they were sitting outside their wardroom. The doctor and his nurse exited the room. Fiona's mum stood and headed towards them. She wanted to know how they were and if her daughter was in good condition. 

"How are they doctor", she raised a question. Everyone who was around at that place turned and stared at the doctors.