Miss her already

After her lecture ended she took her bag and exited the lecture room. She didn't want to waste time since she was heading to visit her friends who were still in the hospital. She was delighted that they were out of danger and didn't die like Cindy. Even though she was still affected by Cindy's death. She couldn't ignore her friends who were in the hospital. After a few minutes, she arrived at the hospital. She gasped out loudly as she remembered the first day she visited the hospital. Cindy was still alive but in critical condition. She remembered how Cindy died when they were staring at her. Her eyes started becoming wet but she blinked numerously to stop the tears from falling. She headed to the ward that her friends were in. 

As she entered Fiona and Vera weren't asleep. They were conversing as they laid on the bed. Their eyes brightened up as they saw Carey. They were happy that Carey had visited them finally.