Was boring

"Ssh.... the movie is about to start", Darius informed Carey and Aiden. He wanted to concentrate on the movie and nothing else. The lights were switched off as everyone stared at the big screen in front of them. They were at the cinema and it was Carey's idea that they went for a night out. It had been long since she had fun. She wanted to feel better concerning Cindy's death. Even though she wasn't over it cause it will be hard for her to do that. She was in a better place than before. 

"And my princess I promise you that you will never regret marrying me. Can't you see that we were meant for each other. Just look around there is no man who can treat like I do", in the movie the prince informed his princess. He wanted to marry her but she didn't like the idea. He wasn't happy that the princess didn't like him like he liked her. But he hoped by time that she was going to marry him cause she had no other choice.