Catch up time

"Hurry up baby girl...", Aiden informed Carey as he was standing at the bedroom door. He didn't like that she was taking up her time to prepare herself. He didn't want to be late for his lecture that's why he wanted her to hurry up. 

"Am through relax", she mentioned as she stood heading to where her shoes were. She took one of her high heeled shoes and wore it. She took her bag and headed outside the bedroom. 

"Finally you take so long to prepare yourself", Aiden mentioned. He didn't understand the reason why she always took her time to prepare when they were in a hurry. It seemed like she didn't take note of the timing. 

"I have to look good always remember that ", Carey mentioned as they were heading outside the house. He chuckled softly as they stood near the door. He blocked her way as she tried to exit the house.