Pitiful Love!

"You should just take heart and move on" Roy said then he patted Shi Fen on his shoulder, Han Chen stood up from the sofa in the parlour then he went to the kitchen. Seconds later, he returned with three cans of beers, the two of them looked at him in confusion as he placed the cans on the table.

"Boss, are you sure you are alright?" Shi Fen asked with a concerned look on his face.

"Of course, I am, why did you ask?" Han Chen replied

"Han Chen, did you go out to buy these beers?" Roy asked

"Yes, I did" Han Chen replied, then he picked up a can of beer from the table and opened it.

"and you said you are alright" Shi Fen said

"What are you guys talking about, is this the first time you have seen me drinking beer" Han Chen said then he drank the beer.

"Shi Fen, go and start the car, we need to get him to the hospital" Roy said then Shi Fen stood up from his seat to do as Roy said but Han Chen pulled him back to his seat.