Brooding Yu Yan!

"What are you talking about?" Han Chen snapped back shyly, his cheeks were almost turning red at that moment, both of them were fascinated by his reaction, he has never blushed for any woman before but now he is blushing for no reason at all.

"I must be right, you did kiss her, did anything happen yesterday," Roy said with a mischievous look on his face.

"Not really, what do you mean by that, did your lips touch or not," Shi Fen said with excitement written on his face, he just couldn't wait to hear the story behind the blushing and the expression on Han Chen's face.

"It was a long time ago when we were still in high school, back then she was really beautiful but we fell for each other at the same time, she probably can't even remember that we gave each other our first kiss," Han Chen said, at first he had a smile on his face but then it turned into a sad face when he realized that she can't even remember the moment the spent together while they were still in high school.