Chairman! 1

They had already been walking for two hours and the cold as getting the better of Han Chen, everyone who passed by them turned back to glance at them again, they ragged look at that moment made them an attraction as they walked by.

They turned around to look at the people who were staring at them, then they turned their head back in an embarrassment of their current appearance, they couldn't help but regret their decision to follow him all because of their greed.

"Why are they staring at us?" Han Chen asked as he looked around him only to many eyes directed at them.

"What do you think?" Roy replied

"With our present appearance, we look like beggars" Shi Fen answered

"Oooh! so that is why they are looking at us" Han Chen said then he shook his head with naivety.

"Han Chen, you had better get us a change of cloth when we get to the company, I can't believe that my handsome appearance has been tainted all because of my greed," Roy said

"That is for sure," Han Chen said