Why didn't you just wake me up! 1

The both of them sat in from of the big screen, engrossed in the video, although Han Chen seemed to be paying all his attention to the video, he was sneakily stealing glances at her while she focused all her attention on the video, she squinted her eyes and widened them at different moments of the video depending on how surprised or shocked she is by what she is watching in the video, she was deeply amazed by his suturing skills, his dissecting skills and his speed, the feeling of inferiority was soon replaced by reverence.

However, it didn't take up to three hours of the ten hours video for her to fall asleep, she didn't even realise how stressed and tired she was from working continuously throughout the week with only a few moments of rest added with having to drive that far just to rescue stranded Han Chen, she slowly dozed until she gave in to her urge to sleep while her head fell on his shoulder.