
They looked down to see what he meant but what their eyes saw is red spots on the floor, resembling blood.

"I think they are really here," Ruo Rufei remarked.

"I will ask you for the last time, where are they?" 

"I don't know what you are talking about," she firmly maintained.

"I will know after checking it for myself," he moved away from her and slowly bent his neck to look under the bed but everything seemed to be going in slow motion with loud and thrilling music in the room, they all followed his movement carefully, some prayed he finds them there while others  prayed he doesn't.

"The blood is mine," a voice loudly confesses as she walked into the area behind the curtain with all eyes on her, she rolled up her sleeve and unwrapped the wound on her arm, throwing the piece of cloth on the ground.

The room was filled with gasps.