I am not losing to Xiaomeng! 1

Yu Yan arrived at the hospital at seven in the morning, as she entered the building, she was shocked to see that everyone was on the move and the ER department which is always filled seemed to be less busy today, she had a confused look as she walked to the office and even the elevators were cleared.

"What in the world is going on, why is everyone running around?" she pondered, just as she arrived at the floor of her office, she greeted everyone she passed by but they didn't respond to her greeting, rather, they were just running or walking fast past her.

She was surer that something is definitely going on, she opened the door to her office and was about to tell them what was happening but she was shocked at the sight of their office, paintings that were never in the office was now hung up on the walls and their office seemed tidier and arranged than it normally is since they always have emergencies.