Trauma Case! 1

"You must be very happy that you will be seeing your family very soon but I will warn you, a little slip of your tongue might start another war and this time, your family might be destroyed so if you want to preserve the peace, I advise you not to tell them about the torture," Meng Hui warned with an evil smile on her lips, Huo Lan avoided her gaze, she didn't like the look the girl kept giving her, it makes her feel afraid and insecure.

Su Ci scoffed and walked closer to her, "Are you threatening us right now, I guess you must be very afraid of my sect influence,", she raised the corner of her lips showing how confident and unmoved she is by her threat.

"You can interpret it however you want to but you had better remember what sacrifice you had to make for the last battle, I am sure you won't want the next sacrifice to be your lives, you know what to do to make sure that doesn't happen," she inclined her head towards her shoulder, cueing her to give her answer.