Han Chen!! 2

"Why…" he moved closer to her, she brought her eyes back to the irritating man standing in front of her, he lowered his eyes to her chest…in front of everyone, she felt insulted to the core. 

She looked at him in disbelief, he is actually humiliating her in such a way in front of them. 

{Alan Chen…I will definitely pay you back} 

She swore in her mind.

 "Do you need me to make the first step?" he brought his hands to her neck, sweeping the hair from her neck to her back, she felt the hair on her body stand, she clenched her other fist. 

Chen Kai couldn't take it anymore, watching him, he wanted to go forward but Xiaomeng who appeared from nowhere held him back.

"If you want to achieve your purpose for denying her then you better stay still," she warned. 

"Take your hands off me," she warned, gritting her teeth.