Our past! 2

She cleared her throat and walked out of the ward then she returned with a wheelchair to his surprise, she brought the wheelchair close to the bed and sat on the stool.

"As I said before, you have a lot of explaining to do so I figured you might want to do so while enjoying the fresh air outside....." she smirked as she watched his face go sour, he could tell he had no plans of telling her anything yet not to talk of explaining their past but she was still determined to make him spill all he knows.

A few minutes later, she is already out in the hospital park while pushing the wheelchair with him seated on it.

"Yu Yan, why don't we do this later, I don't think I can do much explaining with my condition," he pleaded in a pitiful tone with his face scrunched to pretend he is still in pain but she smirked at his foolish effort.