The other side of me!

She hurriedly went to the changing room where she changed then entered the washroom to wash her face and brush.

She dipped her face into the water in her hands then she wiped her face with her hand and placed her hands at the edge of the basin.

She sighed and frowned when she remembered how he hushed her and pretended like she didn't just confess to him, she wondered how she is still going to face him when she doesn't even what kind of relationship they are in and if he even cares about her confession.

"Even if he is not happy with me kissing Chen Kai, he should have at least said something, this is so frustrating," she scrunched her lips and lowered her head in frustration but she raised it again with a confident smile on her lips.

{He said he still loves me then there is no way he won't give me a reply, I just have to wait...}