Bastard Son!

In the Chen mansion.

"Chen Kai!" the coarse yet weary voice resounded in the mansion as the chairman walked around the mansion with a golf stick in his hands and his wife following after him with cries of pleas which he turned deaf ears to.

"Dad," his fear-filled voice answered, the chairman who had been breathing heavily like an animal who is exhilarated to catch its prey stood straight then slowly turned to him with a deadly glint in his eyes.

His shoulder fell and his knee almost gave way, he could feel his hands going out of control just like they always do but he didn't want the man he fears the most in the world to see it, he balled his fist and pressed his trembling lips tightly together.

Over three years, he has lived away from his terror of a father but now he wished he never came back.

He balled his fist tighter as the old man's gaze fell on his trembling fist.