Drunken state!2

He supported his chin with his palm and placed his elbow on the table just like her

"Why? don't you like handsome guys who are good at grilling?" he questioned, the wide grin on her lips slowly decreased until it turned into a frown, she exhaled then straightened her hand to look straight into his eyes.

"No, handsome guys who are good at grilling are jerks," she answered with resentment clearly evident in her tone, the smile on his face immediately faded, although he knows she is drunk he also knows whatever she says now is what she really feels.

"L-Like who..."

"Li....ke Chen Kai..." she paused for a moment, making him smile again, thinking Chen Kai is the only jerk in her heart until she mentioned someone else.

"and..." she pointed her finger at him with an accusing look in her eyes, her accusing gaze pierced his heart, she placed him in the same category as Chen Kai and that alone tells him just how she feels about him.