Scared of rides!

"If you were working as a pilot or in the military then I won't be able to sleep every night knowing that you are out there risking your life,"

At that moment, he already made up his mind, everyone around him tried to convince him when he first joined the military but he refused but now that he has met her again, he is willing to leave even if it is just for her sake.

Since he has decided to leave, he decided not to tell her anyways.

"I am sleepy, let's go to sleep," they returned back to their original position then slept like babies in each other's arms.

Yu Yan felt happier and more loved now that he told her himself.

The next day, which is a Saturday, he was woken up by the rays of sunlight infiltrating the slightly parted curtains.

He slowly raised his eyelids with his hand obstructing the rays from his face, he winced slightly as he turned to the woman next to him.