I will never lie to you again!

"An Ke," he called her name even before he got to where she is seated in the café, she picked up her coffee from the table then stood up to leave but he rushed up to her and held her hand to stop her, she tried to push his hand away but to no avail and she doesn't want to embarrass herself in the café so she just sat back.

  She looked away from him yet held her cup tightly to stop herself from doing anything dramatic, he noticed how tight she is holding the cup and he could tell just what is running through her mind.

"You can pour it on me if you want," he said.

She turned to him, raising her brow.

"Do you think I won't dare to pour it?"

Instead of answering, he placed his hand on her hand holding the cup. He was going to raise the cup but she removed her hand before he downs it on himself.

"You introduced yourself as Wang Li Wei yet you are surnamed Chen, how stupid of me," she scoffed at her stupidity.