Forever and ever!

She was still admiring herself when guests started trooping in to see her with greetings and good wishes for her marriage, they kept coming after the other and she was now finding it tiring especially since she has to keep smiling.

She lowered her head and sighed in relief after they all left, the celebration hasn't even started yet she has to meet so many people and even act as if she knows then when in fact she doesn't even recognise them a bit since most of them are not from her hospital.

But just when she thought it was over, her colleagues at the hospital started trooping in, they kept praising her beauty and the wedding dress while the married ones started going on and on about how they wished they could marry someone as rich as Han Chen then they could have worn a dress as beautiful as hers.

{There is only one Han Chen in this world and he is mine}

She said inwardly while maintaining an outward smile.