Your Brother!

She sat in a lotus position to keep her mind from being affected by the cold. She has already lost count of the days she has been in here but she didn't believe her mother and sister will let her stay in this dim and cold place for so long.

She has been too lonely without Su Ci that she even finds this place worse compared to the wind sect.

In the absence of Su Ci she kept going into the realm in the necklace to see the one who claims to be her guardian but he broke his promise to never disappear again. She entered the realm again.

"Guardian!" she called as she looked around the place.

"Where are you? you promised to never disappear again," she yelled as she approached the lake where she first found him, she knelt beside the lake with a downcast look in her eyes. She has been looking for him mainly to confirm something.

Since Huo Ying told her the one who saved her is the fourth prince, she has been disturbed by his eyes.