At the cost of my life!

"Please tell Li Na, Li Jing and Han Li that I love them very much," she let go of their mother's hand then she stretched her hand towards Han Chen who held her hand again. He knows what she wants from the look in her eyes so he leaned into her for a kiss, the last yet the most heartfelt kiss they will ever share.

Then they wheeled her away.

"What is going on?" it is still too hard for her mother to understand why she spoke like she is saying her last goodbye.

"She choose to have the baby," Han Chen said then he dropped to his knees and started crying, the waiting area became filled with wailing and tears from everyone. This is too sudden for them. In just a day, all the happiness they have ever known is dissapearing.

I love you, Han Chen.

After an hour, the obstetrician and assisting surgeons came out of the operation room.