As Bright as the Sun

the next morning...

"Wakey, wakey Milky!" CarinAe said lowly. "It's time to go to schooool."

CarinAe hovers over a sleeping Milky caressing her body. To no prevail, Milky still hasn't budged.

"I guess I'll have to wake you up somehow."

CarinAe drooling over Milky's motionless body. As if she's possessed, she begins to roughly rub her.

"Huh?" Milky awakes catching CarinAe hovering. "Um, what are you doing?"

"I'm, um, looking for, my... contacts. Yea, that's it! Just looking for my contacts. I'm practically lost without them." she replied.

"Oh, okay. I thought you wore glasses?" Milky asked.

"Don't be silly, Milky." she laughed. "I'm looking for my contacts for my... it's for my..." before she could finish, Milky's brother burst through the door.

"MILKY!" He yelled. "IF YOU DON'T GET UP THIS INSTANT, I'LL... oh, you're up. Good." he said with a smile.

Milky yawns and begins to get ready.

"You're both weird. By the way...CAN YOU BOTH LEAVE SO I CAN GET DRESSED!" Milky screamed.

Just then CarinAe and her brother are seen thrown out her room and the door slams shut behind them.

"Hey! We're both girls Milky!" CarinAe screamed.

"I've seen you naked and getting dressed since you were a baby! You don't have anything that..." He stopped.

CarinAe awkwardly stares at him and Milky's door slowly opens up with her looking not only embarrassed but awkward as well.

"That is, I've bathed you and dressed I've already seen...OH MY GOD!" He exclaimed pointing at the window. "There's a huge bright light coming towards the house!"

"You can't keep using that excuse." Milky said. "I won't fall for that everytime. Besides, CarinAe and I have fallen for that trick and after the 100th time it gets old"

"WHAT IS IT!" CarinAe screamed as she's rocking back and forth in the fetal position. "SAVE ME! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"

"Have no fret CarinAe. For I, Milkys' brother, shall save you!" He said heroically. "I will go and grab some things from another house and be back."

Just then he darts out the house running as fast as he can away from his embarrassment.

"Is it really that wrong for an older brother to watch over his beloved sister over cameras and over hear her conversations thanks to the microphones I installed in her room?" he screamed while running.

"Where are you going?" Milky asked.

He runs back to the house and stops directly in front of Milky's face.

With a serious expression as if it was life or death he responds.


Once again, he darts off in a random direction away from the house.

"Okay, then bye! I love you brother! Milky said.

a proud nod along with a smile on her face as she says.

" Every morning since I was able to walk, talk, eat, drink, sleep, and do things for myself."

CarinAe still rocking in the corner trembling from fear sweat pouring from the top of her head all over her body.

" Save me. I don't want to die. Save me. I don't want to die." CarinAe kept repeating over and over

" CarinAe! I'm going to be heading out in a few. You coming with?" Milky asked.

Just then she snaps out of her trance.

"So where we headed?" CarinAe asked.

She ponders for a moment.

"I don't really know. The author never said." Milky said.

"Oh, okay." CarinAe said.

"Well if you would've waited, I would've said it." a mysterious voice said.

Ahem, Milky decided to go to the mall.

"Aah!" Milky exclaimed. "Let's go to the mall CarinAe!"

"Sure!" she replied.

"By the way, what's your brother's name again?" CarinAe asked.

"What? how do you not know?" Milky asked.

"Well, do you know it?" she asked.

"Well, of course I do. I mean he's my brother." Milky replied.

There was a long pause and silence as if she was trying to remember it.

"Well, you ready to go to the mall?" Milky asked.

Milky completely forgot his name.

"Wait, wait, wait. So what's his name then?" CarinAe asked.

"I don't think the author gave..."

Just then the mysterious voice replied.

"His name" the voice pondered.

Milky, CarinAe and "the brother" looked at each other and then forward.

" Why his name is...Proxima! Yea, that's it. Milkys' older brother name is Proxima.

They all nod together and repeat it. "Proxima!"

" This calls for a celebration!" Milky said. "We'll hold a naming party."

"Sounds like fun " CarinAe agreed.

"We'll even get him a present. Like an animal of some kind. Maybe a cat or a frog." Milky suggested.

Confused CarinAe asked. "Why not a dog?"

Milky pondered the idea for a moment.

"A dog? I never thought of that. That's a great idea! Plus, I saw a movie where a man went around killing people for killing his dog!" Milky said. " It's settled then. We'll have the naming party and invite everyone."

"Can I come?" The mysterious voice asked.

"Of course!" Milky said.

" Yesss." voice said

"Okay, first things first plan for the party." Milky said. "We'll go to the mall and get the dog. Then, cakes, invites..." Milky was interrupted.

"No cake." her brother said

Shocked! Milky jumped. "Where are you Proxi?" she asked.

"That is of no concern." he said. Proxima realized in that instant.

"You already have me a nickname?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"Of course." she said.

With his eyes swelling up with tears, he begins to cry.

"...SISTER!" He jumps from the ceiling trying to hug her.

Just then CarinAe drop kicks him in the face all slow motion like.

"We're wasting daylight Milky and I don't want to lose any more time from our I mean party hunt." She corrected herself.

"Okay then! Let's go!" Milky said excitedly.

As the two head out, Proxima was on the ground in a pool of his own blood.

" ...You may have... win this round...CarinAe. but you won't win the...battle..!" He said defeated.

As the day continues, Milky and CarinAe enjoy an eventful montage of their day.

"Whew! It's exhausting viewing all the things we did today." CarinAe said

"I know. but it's easier to do that than to actually put everything we did into words. Besides, it wouldn't be possible to get everything, set it up and be ready in a short time. Also, the author is trying to have better word discipline." Milky said.

"Word discipline?" CarinAe asked. "What's that?"

"Basically, he doesn't know a lot of words and he's trying to have a bunch of filler words so it makes it look like he knows what he's doing, but in reality, he's just free styling this story. Probably won't last long either way." Milky explained.

"Aah, ok. So basically, he's a moron?" CarinAe asked

"Exactly!" She said.

Later that night, everyone is at Milkys' house. Everyone from school. Even the background characters. There was blank face A and blank face B. There was waving girl, girl running with bread in her mouth, and even clumsy guy.

"Okay, I want to thank you all from coming." Milky said.

Just then, Regulus catches her eye.

" yea. Once again thank you all for beautifully handsome." She completely lost her train of thought.

CarinAe and Proxima stare at Regulus with a violent look.

"What i think Milky is trying to say is, Thank you all for coming to the naming party. We're here to celebrate, Proxima getting his very own name." the mysterious voice said.

"Uh, yea. what if said." Milky nodding said.

As the festivity continues, Milky and CarinAe snuck back to grab Proxima's present.

"Do you think he'll like it Milky?" CarinAe asked.

"Of course he will." she replied.

As the two begin to enter the house they over hear Proxima talking.

"This has been a great party. I really have to thank Milky and CarinAe. Nothing could ruin this night. That is, unless they got me another mouth to feed. Like a cat or a frog." Proxima said.

Milky and CarinAe look at each other and sighed.

"It's a good thing you suggested this dog CarinAe." Milky said.

"Uh huh!" CarinAe said with a smile.

Proxima continues to say.

"If it were a dog, though. I'd take that as an act of terrorism and therefore would have to annihilate them both."

Their face went pale white.

"Oh! hey Milky and CarinAe!" Proxima noticed them coming in. " Is that for me?" He asked.

"Huh? This?" Milky asked. "Of course not. This is just trash.

"Yea, we were about to throw it out." CarinAe added.

Just then a bark could be hard from the box.

"Um, I think the box just barked." Proxima said.

Everyone looked at the box, then at Milky and CarinAe

"Whaaat? Your just imaging things." CarinAe replied.

The crowd looked back at Proxima

"Um, why are there holes in the trash box?" Proxima asked.

The crowd looked back at the box, then at Milky and CarinAe, then again at the box then back to the girls. One person takes a sip of his drink which could be heard being slurped from.

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" Proxima yelled at the slurping drinker.

"I'm sorry, but that's my only job. I'm slurping drinker in the background." he replied.

Just then the box started to move making the girls drop it accidently. a whining sound can be heard from it. Milky looks at the box then slowly looks at Proxima. His face dark and serious.

"Is... that" He asked.

Milky scared replied. "Y-y-yes."

Proxima slowly approaches the box and opens it up. Just then a puppy pops up, wagging is tail, and licks his face. Proxima with the same expression, looking at the dog.


Confused CarinAe and Milky look at each other.

"I thought you hated dogs?" CarinAe said.

"What? Of course not! Who could hate a dog? Haven't you seen this movie where a man goes killing people because they killed his dog?" Proxima replied.

Instead of thinking about it anymore, the girls just shrug it off.

"So what're you going to name your new pup..." Procy was interrupted by a four hundred page book that came flying through the crowd heading towards him.

The books hit him in the face knocking him to the ground.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Procy screamed.

Milky approaches him.

"What's going on here?" She asked.


Embarrassed, she smiles and runs off disappearing into the crowd.

She eventually runs outside to the backyard away from the party. She looks up at the star filled sky.

"I'm glad we decided to do this." she said.

Proudly, she nods and begins to head back inside. just then, she reaches for the door and it swings open violently. It was Canopus!

"Can-Can-Canopus?" she surprising said.

He stares at her.

"So, what do you say?" He asked.

"W-What do you mean? What do I-I say to what?" she nervously said.

He smirked as he notice her blushing.

"Shall I remind you then?" he asked.

He approached her swiftly like the other day in the classroom.

"Do. You. Want. To. Be. My. Girlfriend?" He said.

"Why me? You barely ever speak one word to me, now you want to be B-b-b-oyfriend and g-g-girlfriend?" she questioned.

"So, what's wrong with that?" he asked.

"Well for one, we don't know anything about each other, a-a-and I don't want to talk about it here. Tonight is for Proxima." she replied.

He sighed and agreed.

"You're right. Well, I'll leave you to your fun, but I will get to know you better."he told her.

He walked off back into the house. She shortly followed and met up with CarinAe.

"Everything okay?" She asked.

"O-o-of course. Why wouldn't I be okay after telling Canopus off." she replied.

CarinAe stares at her face as if she's analyzing her.

"Okay then." she ignored it.

"Where's the naming boy?" She asked.

"Oh, he's over there playing with his puppy." CarinAe said.

As Milky began to approach her brother, she felt a tug on her skirt. as she looks down, she notices it was snagged on a desk. without hesitation, it pulled her skirt down exposing her panties. the stars and the sun on her crotch. A hush waves over the crowd and a slurp could be heard.

"The same panties from the other day?" CarinAe thought with a nose bleed.

"Yes, her favorite panties are those." Proxima replied in CarinAe's mind also with a nose bleed

Embarrassed, Milky runs away into her room.


"Muahaha! What're you going to do about it. Proxi?" Undy said.

The two begin to tussle with more papers and books flying everywhere.


"Is that so?" Undy replied. "Well how about this? SECRET MOVE! NIPPLE TWISTER!

"NOOOOO! NOT THE NIPS!" Proxima screamed.

As people begin to run and flee, Undy escape from all the commotion and disappears with the crowd.

*gasp* *gasp*

"He's... so *gasp* strong." Proxima said.

Milky in her room with her face buried in her pillows.

"Waah! I can't believe it happened again. This time I'm actually moving schools!" she said crying.

Just then, there's a knock on her door.

"Milky, are you ok?" a voice was heard

"That voice sounds familiar." Milky said.

As she gets off her bed and opens the door, a tall figure was right in front of her. It was Regulus!

🌌To be continued🌌