Jace Knox

"Jace get down here" a man yelled from the first floor of the house. "Fuck off" replied a boy jokingly from the top of the stairs, "And i told you i go by knox." Jace knox was his full name, but he wanted nobody to know his first name because he hated it. As he slowly started climbing down the stairs holding up his middle finger to his dad (the man from before), he was shoved from behind by Zane. Zane was his pitbull puppy who had not quite mastered the art of going down a set of stairs without falling. "what do you want" he said as he regained his balance.

"I want you to come eat your breakfast before you go to school." "Knox." the father said sarcastically.

"Alright." Knox said as he sat down to eat his breakfast. It was the same routine every day: eat breakfast (2 fried eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 2 pieces of toast, and a glass of orange juice), go to school come home, do homework, and watch tv. Knox lived a very boring life, the only way he stayed sane was by joking with his dad. his mother had died shortly after birth, so it was up to his dad to raise him.

"Yo, Jace hurry up, you're gonna be late"

"no im not"

"oh really, cause school starts in 5 minutes"

"WHAT!" Knox said scarfing down the rest of his breakfast. Once he finished, he ran back upstairs and grabbed his back pack, throwing it over his shoulder, and knocking down his alarm clock. As he picked it up he looked at the time, it read 7:32 (school didn't start till 8). Knox walked down the stairs, his dad was leaning on the front door laughing.

"I'm gonna get you back for this old man"

"haha, sure you are. go finish getting ready for school"

knox went into the bathroom and finished getting ready. He was almost out the door when his dad came out from around the corner.

"Here, take my car" he said throwing knox the keys to a 1967 Shelby GT500

"really?" knox said in amazement.

"Yeah. Consider it a sorry for this morning"

knox said "thanks" and went out the door. he drove to school in his dream car, and when he got there everyone was interested in his car. They were asking so many questions that almost everyone was late for class. The teacher Ms. McLeod was confused on why so many of her students were late. she asked the class, and everyone lied saying it was just one big coincidence. He went on about his day normally until he got home.

When he got his car was gone and his dad was not there. He checked his phone and saw that he had gone to the store. He went inside and saw that his house was destroyed as if someone was looking for something. Knox looked around and didn't notice anything was gone, but then he heard a noise coming from upstairs. He armed himself with a compound bow which had been hung above the fireplace, and a thing of hunting tipped arrows. He walked up the stairs slowly not making a single noise.

When he got up there he saw a man going through his dresser drawers, the man was wearing a black cloak, throwing things across the room. knox took aim with his bow, and as he was about to shoot two men came up behind him and put a bag over his head. Knox spun around and stabbed one of the men blindly with an arrow. The man let go of the bag screaming. Knox pulled off the bag, and rolled back dodging the other one. He shot an arrow piercing the mans chest, and going straight into the mans heart. The other man who he had stabbed in the leg fell to his knees, and was begging knox for mercy. Knox being the nice guy he is, pulled the arrow from his leg and walked away from the man. When knox turned away the man got up, and said rooky mistake. He charged knox, but he ducked making the man fly over him and slam into the wall in front of him. When the man stood up again, knox shot an arrow into the mans chest pinning him to the wall but also killing him. Knox loaded another arrow and aimed at the man who was going through his dresser.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he said.

"That is not important" the man said, "but what's your name?"

Now that Knox got a good look at him he had messy jet black hair and had crimson red eyes. "my name is knox."

"well knox how would you like to learn your full potential."

"my what?" knox said confused.

"you have potential to become so much more than you already are. You have a special element flowing through you, and i can teach you how to use it, all you have to do is say yes and come with me."

Knox was confused, but intrigued by the mans offer. He thought about how boring his life was, and how much he wanted to know what this guy was talking about.

"Yes" Knox said "I will go with you, but im bringing my dog

"Ok there's some people who will like that you can also call me Sensei" Sensei says

"Who were those men that attacked me?" Knox asked

"Well that one is Cody and the other is Jake they were my friends but they're kinda dead now." Sensei replies

"My bad." Knox says

Knox called for Zane and Zane came to Knox, Knox wrote a not for his dad explaining what happened. Sensei and Knox go to clean up the crime scene and burried the bodies and said theyre prayers and set off to the base while Knox held Zane in his arms. They got to the UnderWorld and Knox bought some dog food and a dog bed and some treats. Sensei fought Knox the secret knock and Karma opened up. "Holy shit thats a cute as doggo." Karma says as he bends down to pet Zane. "Whats his name?"

"Zane and my name is Jace but just call me Knox." Knox answers

"The name is Karma." Karma replies "ROSE GET OVER HERE THERE'S A PUPPY."

Everybody goes down stairs in a hurry to see the new puppy. Everybody started to pet Zane and he loved it. "He likes belly rubs." Knox says

"Enough with the petting of the dog right now Karma take him to the testing room." Sensei says

Everyone walks to the testing room and Knox puts his hands on the orb giant ice spikes shoot all over the room. Karma dives to tackle Rose so she doesn't get stabbed by an ice spike. Sean dives and grabs Zane and gets stabbed in the shoulder. "Shit sorry guys." Knox apologizes

"Looks like you got ice" Karma says

"Yeah no kidding" Sean laughs as he grabs his shoulder.

"You have a cute dog" Toshiro says quietly as he goes into the room.

Everyone looks in shock with there mouths open. "Holy shit dude you can talk." Karma says

"Yeah I just choose not too cause of what happened two weeks ago" Toshiro responds "Also what happened here?"

"Well his element is ice." Rose laughs

"I can see that. Can I pet the doggo." Toshiro asks

Knox still baffled nods and Toshiro goes to pet Zane. Knox goes to set up his room while they pet Zane. (So I'll be here for a while I guess) Knox thought to himself