Episode 4 [ S rank ]

Many days later.

Somewhere in the city, a floating guy in the sky looking up at the night sky with his semi formal dress.

"sigh. What a lovely evening."

Flight skills is a high tier spell that only A rank and above could do but it is really hard to learn.

In the next morning, the old man wake up the sleeping lee shin young and said to get breakfast.

Once lee shin young is eating, he tell the old man the they will be moving to the house that he bought using the money from his hunting experience.

Once the truck arrived they moved their belongings to the truck and head out, they arrived at a simple home with 2 floor and 2 room with each restroom.

In the evening they are now eating both of their foods and get ready to sleep.

In the morning, it seems like the silver fang is nowhere to be found, that because they took a day off in the guild (there is only one guild in korea, one person must find a party or join any as a filler).

One of the best team in the guild with 2 S rank in the team called Arch Party, the team is composed of 2 S rank 3 A rank dealer 2 B rank healer And 3 C supporter.

'The Arch team entered the dungeon' it is a insect lair type, the captain of the Arch party is Seo Jun a S rank magic spear beater, with his semi formal attire and the other S rank is Min Young, S rank, magic swordsman woth Wind as true magic and with her long hair ( brown) and dark clothing armor in his shoulder, she really gives an impression as a true S rank."

The leader Seo Jun initiate their attack on the spiders, Seo Jun is a Ice magician as his

' True Magic' ( True magic or Dominant Affinity is the most powerful magic affinity has but not all magic hunters has Sub affinity to possess so they rely on they true magic as reinforcements or support).

Seo jun initiate the attack with his ice magic he casted

Ice magic: Hell blizzard

and with that he freezes the spiders. Moreover, the dealers also fight with spiders, after that battle they have reached the Boss room a Giant Spider ( Hell tarantula )

the 2 S rank takes the lead with Seo jun magic he stop the movements of the boss for a minute and Min young cut off one of its legs and the spiders continue to struggle until he breaks the ice and Seo jun say

"Wow, you're no simple bugs, but still, bug is a bug. Seo Jun casted a spell [ Ice magic: Ice Spear ] and he throws the straights to its head and they defeated the boss but one of C rank supporter is injured,

the Gatherers gets the carcasses and magic stones inside the lair, the Arch Party is now heading out to the dungeon.

Thus, once they are back at the Guild hall seo jun saw a glimpse of lee shin young reading some books on the guilds book shelf and wondered who was that but min young called him and when he look back lee shin young is not there anymore.

In the morning, lee shin young is up above the sky enjoying the morning view and suddenly his phone ring , the agent from the guild is asking his attendance to the guild.

Once he is in the guild, the agent told him to go to the room, in the room he felt magical presence, when he entered the room he saw Seo jun,

lee shin young sat at the table.

Seo Jun talks to lee shin young and said

"Mr lee shin young, I got to say this but my eyes never miss to see a powerful ranker"

lee shin young "How can you be so sure that I am strong?"

Seo jun "Experience, I've met powerful foe in the battlefield and based on that I can tell who is strong and useless in the field" and

"I will get straight to the point, I want you to join our party"

lee shin young coldheartedly decline the offer and the High ranker was shocked


"Why did you decline?"

lee shin young "err...just because, I'm an E ranker, and it would be shocking to the others that there is an E ranker in a top party of the guild."

Seo jun "that seems reasonable but our offer is still one of the best"

lee shin young

"I said No"

Seo jun stand up and said

" how about a trial run? Join us in our raid once and if you feel unsatisfied, I won't bother you anymore, Deal"

Lee shin young " you really are a persistent guy, Ok Deal, what time?"

2 days later after the talk with seo jun, inside the guildhall the agent of the Arch party is waiting inside of the waiting room.

When he enter he saw the Party members of the Arch Party every one is staring at him and suddenly Seo jun talks

" Lee Shin young we've been waiting for your arrival."

Then, they now arrived at the dungeon portal in the construction site. The other hunter are whispering to each other "who is that guy?"

they said he is an E ranker




"Why would an E ranker join our party? "

He doesn't even have the proper armor just a hoodie and a pants,

that's all

"I don't know. Our leader talked to him"




"what ever"

They have enter the dungeon.

The dungeon is an Mountain type with snow everywhere.

The leader talk to his teammates

"its seems that we might be at disadvantage at this point since because of the snow we cant see properly and the monster that might appear may be strong just because this is a B rank dungeon doesn't mean that the monster may also be a B rank so just prepare yourself"

the vice captain Min young approach Lee shin young

" how long have you been hunting?"

" 1 month"


then she walked passed by to lee shin young.

~"it don't care if our leader put an E ranker in our team but if you think that we trust you just because you are close to our leader, don't kid yourself"

the team heard a loud roar in the mountain,

suddenly the monsters appeared,

Ice Giant monkeys are running towards them.

S rank Min young casted her true magic

Wind magic: Wind territory

with that magic she formed a territory where no snow can enter the giant monkeys can't get through easily

but some ice giant monkeys entered the territory and the battle begins.

The S ranks are leading the charge followed by A rank dealers with magic swordsman and the supporters are guarding the rear and the healers stays the middle and heal those who are injured,

suddenly Seo jun fly up in the sky

"everyone stand back."

He casted his true magic,

Ice magic: Ice hell

and tall ice spikes emerge from the ground and kill all the monsters.

"let's go!"



they have reached the boss in the giant ice cave, the boss notice them in the entrance and the arch party started the charge,

when they are approaching the boss, The boss ice giant monkey with three eyes open

its mouth and stared to fire its magic ice ray

that freezes everything it touches, but the teams got caught off guard, the ice ray is getting closer in a fast rate

the S rankers dodge the ray but it seems the rest can't dodge it.

suddenly as strike of lightning countered the ray and made an explosion

its was lee shin young.

Lee shin young told the S rankers to charge an attack to kill it while he is supporting them,

Seo jun casted his magic and Min young jump off and try to cut off one of its arm,

the monster boss saw her

its too late to dodge,

when the monster is trying to attack min young,

lee shin young punch the giant monster and it fell

"such power!", the team says.

land on the ground!

Seo jun is finished preparing his magic,

Ice magic: Spear of Mezulla

and it struck its head and min young also attack with her magic

Wind magic: Slash of Wind

the monster just split into two pieces,

Dungeon boss has been eliminated.

When they are walking outside the dungeon the rest of the team give thanks to lee shin young for saving them.

Moment later, before seo jun approached lee shin young disappeared from his sight like a buble.

Lee shin young move fast at the top of the building looking down at the arch team

"ahh what at exhausting day."

And he flew at the sky and go back to his home.