W.G official Evans brief them on the plane heading towards the Wake Island.
"The humanoid lizards, known for their speed and agility and strength…"
"We are going to set off this mid air, the Philippine team will attack at North West, the Chinese Team will attack at South West, and the korean team will attack at the East…"
"All of you are completely outnumbered by them, so I suggest to fight in team. God bless you all."
"We're here"
Opening of the gates of the plane.
They now use their fly skills to head to the Island.
All of them are now in their designated spots.
"Commence attack!"
The Chinese raid team started the attack, the lizard man started to spread out.
Korean team, are now engaging for the attack.
"Park hye In cover for me!..." Mr. lee says.
Park hye in casted his true magic…
Earth magic: earth wave
A wave from the ground happen and the footing of the lizard man is unbalance.
"Dealers, start the attack!!!"
Lee shin young also join the fight, he punches those lizard man, and the others are also attack with their magic.
Kim yong rim also showed his enhancing ability and fight head on with the lizards, while Mr. lee, using his sword slay his enemy flawlessly.
Hunter Jung hyun wook heal and casted enhancement to the hunters.
Hunter Park hye in acted as a supporter and a spear bearer.
The first wave of the battle ended.
The now move deeper to the forest, and it seems a lizard general appear in front of them, a giant lizard tries to attack them from the rear…
But lee shin young intercepted him.
"Mr lee I'll handle this, you go on.!"
"are you sure!?"
"yeah, don't worry!!"
Lee shin young fight the general.
"Well, it seems like a decent opponent shows up….."
"let's do some warm up."
While lee shin young is fighting the general, Mr lee found the Hole, the base of the lizard man.
They now head inside.
Meanwhile, the Chinese and Philippine team found another route each.
meanwhile, lee shin young is fighting the lizard general and other lizard mans.
"ok now, let's put an end to this.!"
Moreover, the korean team are fighting with lizard man near the heart of the hole and, the a lizard general appear also in front of them.
Mr lee attack the lizard and the lizard shielded his body with his arm.
It tried to attack mr lee but kim yong rim intercepted that attack.
Park hye in uses his magic
Earth magic: piercing needles
And the attach went through the flesh of the general, and killed it.
They have reach the boss room.
When they enter, they saw the giant hole where the boss resides, and they saw the Philippine and Chinese S ranks fighting the high grade of lizard commander.
Lizard commander are incredibly strong, and it gives a hard time even for an S rank.
When the korean team arrived a commander lizards intercepted them.
Meanwhile, lee shin young finishes the general brutally cutting parts of its body one by one.
And at the end,
"my, my! I guess I should finish every lizard man here on the surface…"
He casted his sub affinity magic
Rain Fire
A storm of rain that cover the whole island with fire. When the official saw that and realized that it was like a living hell.
Back to the present, The korean team defeated the commander lizard as well as the Chinese and the Philippine team.
The magicians uses their magic to eliminate the other lesser lizards.
Everything is going smoothly but a sudden pressure makes them unable to move for a while.
"It's the boss"
The boss appeared a white colored lizard with body armor. The boss is also accompanied by his pet an giant underground lizard and his strongest lizard commander in metal armor and axe.
When the boss appear the Chinese attack the boss, but the boss stop his weapon with his 2 fingers…
"how ungraceful!"
"Die you filthy lizard!"
Before he even landed an attack, the lizard man look him in the eye.
'an arrogant fool like you….deserves to die!"
'consider this as an honor"
the lizard man attack the arrogant Chinese and killed him instantly.
'is there anyone who still wants to challenge me?'
"Mr. lee are we going to attack?"
'no we should wait for a while and see what will happen'
3 Chinese attack them but all of them were killed instantly
"Park hye in!"
'what is it?'
"create a earth wall in my command… just be ready."
The king of the lizard float from the air
'now, I shall end this!'
"Hye in….NOW!"
Earth magic: earth wall
The plan is successful to make a wall
Somethings feels 'not' right.
The sudden silence was broken, the earth wall is collapsing.
The wall was destroyed by the swing of a hand of the lizard king.
'stop this kind of a petty tricks and attack properly'
The Chinese are shivering in fear and the Philippine team is unable to attack properly because of their injured healer.
The korean team has no choice but to fight back.
Mr lee uses his fire magic and attack the opponent. While, yong rim landed a punch to the lizard and it flew away.
"as expected to mr lee and yong rim."
But….all of a sudden yong rim flew to the ceiling, it is because the lizard king landed a blow to make the female flew at the distance.
The healer couldn't move as well because he might get attacked and it'll bring even more disaster.
The korean team looking up at the floating king.
'its time to end this'
The king tries to landed a blow to the team…
When he is getting closer and may able to reach Mr lee, he appeared and stop the kings punch.
Lee shin young.
"well, well!"
"it seems like something fun is happening down here"
The king spoke
'who are you?'
Lee shin young join the team.
"where is Yong rim?"
And the team point out where she is.
The king spoke again.
'…I said who are you?'
Lee shin young get yong rim so fast that even the king couldn't even see him.
'what?...so fast'
"well then, shall we start? King of the lizard"
"Mr lee go now to the exit and guide everyone outside."
When everyone is successfully on the outside the fight is starting to heat up.
"I was wondering what's taking them so long, and this is the answer…how nosy!"
The strongest commander tries to attack lee shin young. When the attack is getting closer, the man look at him and say this…
"prostrate yourself…"
"you have no rights to fight me."
And he killed the commander instantly.
Lee shin young look at the king of the lizard and point a glance on him
"you, lizard, get down here."
And the lizard get down.
The fight has began.
The lizard tries to land a strike on him but shin young dodged it.
He fight back and landed a strike on the face of the lizard man.
'you're no normal human'
The lizard king uses his magic pressure to suppress the young man.
The man lips curved into a smile, with a coldblooded gaze.
"is that the best you can do?"
Lee shin young also uses his magic pressure, the lizard was shocked and couldn't even move.
"what's wrong lizard too scared?"
Saying those words with a sadistic smile and red glowing eyes.
The lizard commanded his pet underground lizard to eat him
At the back of lee shin young, a giant underground lizard with sharp teeth and brown eyes emerged.
"when the enemy is agitated, all of their movements and futile resistance are so funny to watch."
When the pet of the lizard tries to attack shin young, a gigantic magical beast with long sharp teeth and red eyes appeared and eat the underground lizard.
The lizard shake in fear as he sees one of the most powerful magical beast ever known.
Beast of Illusion: Kroma.
Looking at him.
The king uses his true magic.
Spatial magic: Spatial prison.
*a magic that create space according to the users wanted.
"whooaa.. nice tricks."
The lizard king attack lee shin young but lee shin young is completely negating them
Punch !
" enough this petty tricks."
"is that is the power of a king?"
'why human! Are you scared that you can't escape from this magic…..even if I die, the magic will still be here.'
"how childish"
"Now I'll show you the true power of a true king"
A sudden powerful magical pressure, press the so-called king to the ground.
"I'll teach you how to become a true king!"
"I'll take your life a lesson fee for this.!"
The whole world of void is shaking by some wild and powerful magic energy.
Lee shin young show his True magic.
"Darker than the shadow of Death!"
A black long sword appear on the hands of lee shin young, and a strike of black ray appeared and kill the king and destroyed the whole world of void.
An overwhelming power that could destroy the whole world apart.