2 weeks later after the talk with Octovia.
Lee shin young is taking a morning run at the park, then he stops at a coffee shop and sat down at one of the tab le there…
While listening to some music…
A man with semi-formal attire knocks on his table…
'a penny for your thoughts?'
It was Octovia Eren…
" ohhh, hey what's up Eren?"
'ohh just wandering here around' Eren said,
"Congratulation on the raid, I saw it on the news." Shin young said.
'Thanks. The japan and Israel team are strong too…I didn't expect it to them!' Eren said
'Here's your coffee sir!' the waitress said.
'ohh…thanks!' Eren said.
While lee shin young and Eren are talking…
They heard people shouting.
The monsters are undead skeleton emerging from the 'sudden portal' appear. [If the monster can escape from the portal, it means that the boss is A rank or up]
When shin young and Eren look into it some magic hunters that are nearby try to fight the monsters.
Eren and shin young walk in front of the portal…
The people began noticing…
'Who are they?' The people around said.
Until one hunter recognized them…
'That's the 2 of the 3 solo hunters in korea. Octovia Eren and Lee shin young' One hunter said this.
'Can you call the Guild, that we will raid this portal' Eren said this to the hunter recognized them.
'ok sir!'
When lee shin young and octovia eren enter the dungeon they saw a cemetery and a castle.
'Well, it seems like it is going to be fun' eren said
'…shall we start? shin young?'
The army of undead monsters started to appear.
Many undead creatures appear - Skeleton, wolf, and etc…
Shin young started the attack by his sub affinity. Hell Fire.
And attack as well by Octovia with his true magic…
Crystal magic: crystal spikes
The armies of undead were defeated easily.
They now head to the castle.
Once they got there, they felt the magic pressure of the boss, an elder lich.
They are powerful undead magic casters.
When the boss saw them, he summon many undead creatures
Lee shin young said that he will handle the army and Eren will fight the boss.
When they agreed they separate to their own ways.
Eren found the boss.
The boss fights Eren with its magic but eren easily dodge them.
Eren finishes the boss with its true magic
Crystal Magic: Holy spear of the Light Emperor
The boss was defeated since undead are weak to holy magic.
When he is finished he now now head out to the castle but…
When he saw the outside he was shocked….
The whole place was burning like a living hell.,,
And above he saw lee shin young looking down at them enjoying how the undead suffer.
Lee shin young notice Eren.
"are you done eren?"
'yeah…shall we head ou?' eren said
Once they exit the dungeon, a lot of the reporters were there.
It was a huge scoop for the reporters, since it is the first time that a 2 solo hunters join to raid a portal.
But the two vanished when they saw the reporters…
Somewhere, in Antarctica, a mysterious man with thick winter cloths is floating in the water and, suddenly a huge monster appear before him…
They fight but the monsters is defeated
"I was wondering why the Red Eye releases this kind of monster and, now let's fnd your mother." the mysterious man said.
Back, to the present.
Lee shin young received a call from the chairman to go to his office this afternoon.
Once he got there, the chairman immediately told him to sit.
"what is the meaning of this urgent call Mr. chairman?" Shin young
'well, I'll be straight to the point!" The world government needs a solo hunter to join in a raid to the artic sea, together with the Australian solo hunters.' Chairman said.
'Yes! You!'
'The world government saw your battle in the Wake Island and they want you to join the Australian to the raids'
"Well, I think I have no choice since the W.G wants me"
2 weeks later.
Lee shin young get on the jet that will take him to Australia.
When the plane landed, an agent from the Australian guild welcomes him. The agent shows him his hotel.
In the morning, all solo hunters are warming up on the stadium, including lee shin young.
The day of the raids comes.
The agent told the 5 solo hunters to find and kill the giant monster that swims on the Antarctic sea.
The gate of the plane open and the hunters jump out and fly. They all go to their different ways to find the monster.
When lee shin young go the summit of the mountain to observe how the other high rankers do their job.
Meanwhile, to the east of Antarctica, S rank solo hunter Jeffrey still continue to find the monster, and suddenly he observe on the water that something is moving.
It was the one of the monster child a giant squid-like monster appear.
When Jeffrey fought it and killed it the other hunters go to Jeffrey's location, including lee shin young.
Moreover, the blood of the killed monster spread everywhere in the sea.
The other children of the monster appear.
5 monsters appear before them. So, every hunters fought it with their magic.
Ice magic: Ice bullets, Jeffery's magic
Fire magic: Blazing hell, Bianca's magic, S Rank
Acid magic: Lifeless rain, Connor's magic S rank.
Lightning magic: lighting shock, Patrick's magic, S rank
And lee shin young use the Sand ring to kill the monster.
The intense battle aggravates the mother of the monsters.
The monster shows up, A ice kraken.
Bianca recognize the monster, she said.
'guys!! That is the monsters captured by the Red Eye organizations and release here. We must kill it here, or it'll rampage to the nearby countries!!'
"my, my, it seems like the Red eye knows how to make fun" lee shin young said.
The solo hunters cut off its arms but the Kraken regenerates its arms.
Lee shin young tries diverts the monsters attention so hhe uses the sand to cover the eyes of the kraken and the other hunters attack with their magic.
The Ice kraken fights back and use ice breath but the hunters dodge.
The kraken use its long arms and attack in a random way, the nearby glaciers are broken by the attack.
Unfortunately, Jeffrey was caught on the attack and fly on one of the mountains.
There are no healers in the teams.
Bianca saw an opening to the kraken and attack using her magic.
Fire magic: Tornado fire.
The kraken ceased the attack, and swims to the sea.
When Jeffery comes back with his broken left arm, he told the hunters not to let it escape.
Patrick dives to the sea and saw the kraken swimming back to its nest.
'you can't escape here.!!'
Lightning magic: lightning environment.
With Patrick's magic he usea his magic to electrocute the kraken.
The kraken saw him and tried to attack him but, sharp ice fell into the sky, that attack was Jeffrey.
When Patrick escape from the water the kraken rampage and its eyes turns to red.
The kraken is so angry.
The kraken uses its ice ray but Bianca intercepted the attack with its fire.
It creates a huge icy mist.
The kraken's arms moves aimlessly, the hunters was caught off guard and crashed on the mountains.
All hunters was thrown to the mountains and the kraken goes berserk at followed them to the mountains, lee shin young saw the other hunters unconscious.
"I must say that this is the first time, that a monster make me flew at this distance…" Lee shin young.
He claps the monster to congrats.
with his glowing demonic eyes and smile he said this.
"…and now, I'll kill you!..." lee shin young.
He attack using its sands from the ring but out of control monster power and harden its body.
He uses his sub affinity to attack but none of its work.
"that hard skin is getting annoying…" shin young said this.
The other hunters are getting their consciousness and woke up…
'who's fighting the Kraken?" patrick say.
'I think it is the korean' bianca say.
'we must help him…' connor says.
And suddenly felt a tremendous magical energy…
When they go the fight, they saw lee shin young fighting the kraken all by himself.
Lee shin young uses his true magic.
A wild flow of magical energy that makes the kraken feel fear for the first time was seen by the hunters.
Out of fear, the kraken tries to swim but its too late.
The other hunters saw the terrifying power of lee shin young.
Weapon magic: Kronos Spear
Countless red spears was seen in the sky and attack the kraken, even the hard skin of the kraken were useless against the giant spears.
Lee shin young cruelly killed the kraken, the blood of the monster turns the ocean to red.
Lee shin young rejoins the other hunter…
The injured hunters say thanks to Lee shin young.
The W.G plane gets the hunters and go back to Australia to rest.