Episode 26 [Ocean of Death]

After the fight with the guardian of the warping device they have successfully warped into the ocean of death or other calls it Ocean Neverland.

'whooo that was intense' Ruel said while wiping his sweat.

Everyone is staring at the vast ocean.

'W-what is this place?' Tuka said.

'This is the Ocean Neverland, where deadly waves and strong winds and powerful monsters reside, so people sometimes call it the Ocean of Death!' Ruel said.

'Then how do we plan to cross that deadly ocean?' Hestia said.

'We are going to ride a Viking boat' Ruel said.

'A boat?' Faustus asked.

'Ding dong! And what do you think we are going to ride? A airship? We are Vikings! We are the Greatest Sailors of the Sea' Ruel said.

"Then where is this boat of yours?" shin young said.

Ruel is looking at the rocks and everywhere until he found a waterfall.

'Where is it? Hmmm?... where?..' Ruel said in his mind.

Ruel saw the waterfall at the cliff.

'Foud it!' Ruel said loudly.   

Shin young and the others are following Ruel and enter the waterfall and there they saw the large wooden ship.

'Is that your boat?' Tuka said.

'ding dong' Ruel said.   

'I think it is better to fly that to ride that! It would break for sure in the ocean' Tuka said.



Zwart smack Ruel in the head and said.


'are you going to kill us you dumbass?' Zwart said.

Ruel is scratching his head…

'Don't worry t won't kill us' Ruel said.

After several discussions they manage to bring the boat to the ocean and they ride with it.

 "Then how can we make this operate?" shin young said.   

'We are going to need some help with that' ruel said.

"How?" shin young said.

Ruel whistle.

'What was that for?' Hestia said.

'I'm asking for some help' Ruel said

After more seconds they heard some horse sounds and then they saw a  half horse and half fish.

'There they are!' Ruel said.

'W-wait those are…Hippocampus right?' Hestia said.

'Ding Dong Deng!' Ruel said.

"So they are going to pull the boat?" shin young said.

'Bingo' Ruel said.   

They use ropes for the 5 Hippocampus's for them to pull.

'Can they carry this boat?' Tuka said.

'Just wait and see' Ruel said.

When they are going to depart now ruel commanded the monsters to pull them and then the incredible speed of the monsters makes tuka fall.

'See? Thay are more than capable of carrying this thing' Ruel said.

Somewhere in the Avalon, a man on a full body cloack is looking at his window and then, his attendant talked to him.

'Sir the Troops are all prepared' The attendant said.

'Excellent! You may go now' the man with cloak said.

'Yes sir' the attendant said.

The man saw the hundred warships and people outside his window and he said.

'Our revenge is coming' The man said.

Back to shin young's team, they are now eating there dinner and they are talking about the Avalon.

"So what will happen after this ocean? Ruel?" Shin young asked.

'hmmm…after this ocean trip we can reach the Avalon by 8 days without delay and maintaining this speed.'     

Asensio is looking outside until they heard some loud roar.

'ohh shit' Ruel said.

'What is that?' Hestia said.

'That is Scylla one of the monsters that lived in the Ocean of Death' Zwart said with a serious face.

'Hurry we must change directions or else we will ended up fighting her! We must get out of her high rock lair' Ruel said.

The Hippocampus's are feeling agitated, acting randomly and making loud noises and until cry of the hippocampus's are getting lower and lower and when they look a long neck monster are eating the hippocampus while the only one escapes.

The teams are unable to change direction and reach the lair of Scylla instead and there they saw 6 headed monsters on the rocks, the strong water currents keeps pulling them from the lair and until Scylla attacks them…

…but luckily Ruel uses his magic to stop the attack…

'Hey guysss the the water keeps pulling is I can't change direction, I'll protect the ship but I can't handle it if that monster keeps attacking us' Ruel said fiercely.

…without hesitation shin young steps out and punch the monster head and make it crashed into the rocks and he said…

"You all protect the boat while I deal with this…" Shin young said.

'Are you out of your mind?' Zwart said.

Shin young ignore her.

…The monster tries to attack shin young and the boat simultaneously but Victoria uses her sword to cut down the head but it regenerates quickly…

'Regeneration?' Victoria said.

Hestia and Zwart protect the ship as well.

White Flame Magic: flame slash

Dark magic: Severing Cut

They are able to cut the two heads but it regenerate as well.

The water current keeps pulling the ship and until they have successfully escaped Scylla but shin young is still not coming back…

…and in front of them they saw a large whirlpool and Ruel notice it…

'That's Charybdis, the monster that devourer everything!!!' Ruel said.

'Oh shit after Scylla and now that whirlpool thing' Tuka said.

'We should protect the ship that thing will eat us all' Ruel said.

In front of them they saw a giant whirlpool with sharp teeth that strait with Scylla's lair, it is the Charybdis large mouth.

The boat is getting nearer to the whirlpool but Asensio move. He flew into the air and make the boat float…

'What? Telekinesis?' Ruel said.

Asensio move the boat to the air and make it pass the whirlpool.

…they have successfully escaped the high rock lair but they felt something on the water…

…a large mountain of water emerges and it was the Charybdis, it is a worm like monsters with large circular mouth covered with countless sharp teeth and the body has long arms like octopus. It tries to attack the boat but it missed.

 'oh son of a-' Ruel said.

Charybdis roar so loud and using its tentacles it attacks the boat but Victoria and Zwart uses their weapon to intercept. Victoria charges and manages to cut down a arm and shin young punch the monster at the back…

'Lord' Victoria said.

"Finish it Victoria" Shin young command Victoria.

'Undestood' Victoria said.

…shin young landed on the ship…

'what happen to Scylla?' Tuka said.

"I killed it! That monster was annoying" Shin young said.

'what? You killed it?' Ruel said.

'Wow amazing you must be a Top ranker' Ruel said.

…Charybdis roar again…

'we should help her' Hestia said.

"No stay still" shin young looking at Hestia with intimidating look.

…Hestia back down…

'Who are all these people? I know I'm Top Ranker but I never seen these power before.' Hestia said in her mind. 

'Go Victoria' Faustus said.

'Are you cheering for her instead of helping her?' zwart said

'What? She can handle that on her own' Faustus.

The monster tries to attack victoria but she evaded easily.

'Let's end this' Victoria said fiercely.

'Hey Ruel use your shield on the ship!' Victoria said.

'huh? what?' Ruel said.

Ruel shielded the boat…

She uses her magic to Charybdis to kill it.

Blood magic: Blood explosion

By manipulating the blood of Charybdis she instantly killed by making the blood explode from the inside-out.

Everyone is in shock looking at her while Hestia remembers something…

'What blood magic? Could it be?' Hestia said in her mind.

The memory plays in Hestia's mind.

'Hestia? Of what are you reading?' the father of Hestia said.  

'The History of the Fallen kingdom, father' Hestia said in her past as child.

Hestia sat on his father lap.

'..and what chapter are you now?' the father said.

'The Bloody Valkyrie, father' Hestia said.

'Can you read some for me?' the father said.

'Okay father! The Bloody Valkyrie, is the female warrior of the fallen kingdom who dominated the battle and killed all the thousands of warriors all by herself, using her magic she killed everyone…with just one spell.' Hestia said.

'Ohh that is a scary story my daughter' the father said.

'not at all father, I like this story'  Hestia said.

Back to the present, Victoria killed the monster all by herself.

'Who are there people' Ruel said.

…and the expedition continues.